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Part 3
"Transforming and Leading Organizations"
(A 3-Week Online Course)
Course Description:
"Transforming and Leading Organizations" is designed to help leaders, managers, change agents, strategists, and activists hone their abilities and problem-solving skills in ways that help them have greater success in accomplishing their goals. Approaches to fostering healthy change; utilizing educational change strategies; communicating effectively; understanding the perspectives of those with differing values, information, and objectives; and resolving conflicts will all be addressed in the course. The focus of the course is on how these approaches can be applied to addressing organizational problems and challenges, as well as societal threats and challenges. For a copy of the article that has given the course its name, see "Transforming and Leading Organizations," published in Government Transformation, Winter 2004-05 issue posted at http://users.rcn.com/pgordon/homeland/transforming_orgs.pdf or see the link at http://gordonhomeland.com. Dr. Gordon's Dissertation, "Public Administration in the Public Interest" and her Master's Thesis, “Leadership Behavior in Task-Oriented Work Groups ~ Some Problems Related to Drug Misuse and Potentials" (Featuring a Metamotivational Model of Leadership based on Abraham Maslow's concepts).
Next Dates Offered :
2024 To Be Announced
Registration Fee: $300
A 10% discount is available for five or more registrants from the same organization when registered by one person from that organization.
For more information and to register, go to:
or call (334) 844-5100.
~Robert Ramsey, Executive Vice President, Disaster Recovery. Atlanta, Georgia:
"This has been a great course and I have learned quite a few things about emergency management that I plan to use with our clients. As you are aware, our team works more on the FEMA PA side of a disaster, however, recovering costs from FEMA starts with good planning of the processes and of course the documentation.”
~An individual who heads a large religious organization in California:
"Thanks again for the great course. It was really important for my future….”
~Nathaniel B.
"Dr. Paula Gordon is one of the best instructors. She has a wealth of knowledge of leadership experience and documentation. I feel that I am more equipped to be an effective leader and show others how to lead as well. I am honored and happy that she was my instructor..."
"The major things I am taking with me from this course are leadership skills to put into my kit bag, and I am also embracing the knowledge that leadership begins with me... One thing that I did not know when I began this course is that my leadership accountability is not just to those under me, but it is also to those that are my peers and those that are my superiors..."
~ An individual engaged in project management at a manufacturing facility:
Thank you very much for your insightful and uplifting comments and for the additional resources. I have thoroughly enjoyed reading such a wide variety of pertinent and helpful pieces.... Dr. Gordon, as always, I appreciate your encouragement. ... Of course, granting ... permission [to quote my comments] is hardly fair recompense in return for everything I have gained from [the course] materials and your guidance!
"The Effects & Impacts of Marijuana Use: Policies & Approaches Addressing the Challenges"
(A 3-Week Online Course)
Course Description:
This three-week online course has been designed to help arm those who are concerned about the harmful effects of marijuana and about the negative individual and societal impacts the legalization of marijuana is having on individuals, families, communities, and society. The course has also been designed to help expand the knowledge and understanding of those who are working to address the problem of recreational drug use and addiction in America so that they can be as successful as possible in their efforts. The course is also designed to help those in a position of public responsibility understand the wide range of harmful mental and physical effects of marijuana as well as societal impacts. The course also highlights policy and program options that have been working and what options might be tried to achieve the hoped-for outcome of turning around current trends involving the use of marijuana in America.
Next Dates Offered:
To Be Announced 2024
Registration Fee: $300
A 10% discount is available for five or more registrants from the same organization when registered by one person from that organization.
For more information, see:
To register, see:
or call (334) 844-5100.
[NOTE: This is an excellent course for anyone of any age who believes that marijuana use is "relatively harmless". ]
"A National Public Health Disaster:
Drug Abuse, Addiction, and the Opioid Crisis~ The Role that Marijuana Use and Legalization are Playing"
A 4-Week Online Course
(This course is also, an Elective Course in the Auburn University Outreach Emergency Management Certificate Program, but may be taken as a stand-alone course. This course description is repeated again below.)
Course Description:
The role that exposure to and the use of marijuana are playing in the opioid epidemic will be highlighted along with the role that cartels and the black market are playing.
The tendencies of public officials to narrowly define the problem and not see the role that marijuana and poly-drug use are having in the drug addiction and opioid crisis are highlighted in the course. A broader way of defining the challenges associated with drug-taking behavior and addiction will be featured, along with exemplary approaches to addressing the Drug Crisis.
Next Dates Being Offered in 2024 To Be Announced
Registration Fee: $400.
A 10% discount is available for five or more registrants from the same organization when registered by one person from that organization.
For more information and to register, go to
and https://opce.catalog.auburn.edu/courses/c190128
or call (334) 844-5100
Endorsements for drug problem-related courses
~ From Amy Ronshausen, Executive Director, Drug-Free America Foundation, Inc.:
The course was really great! I really enjoyed it...
~ From Stephanie Haynes, Greater New Orleans Drug Demand Reduction Coalition SOS – Save Our Society from Drugs - Florida, Texas, Louisiana:
Wow! This is a terrific opportunity to focus on addiction prevention! Educators, social workers, those in the Criminal Justice System, policymakers, legislators, and community volunteers all need to take this course!! …I want to introduce you to Dr. Paula Gordon who developed this course on the harms of marijuana. We need to spread the word to all our colleagues about the value and importance of having this information, especially today in light of all the pro-pot misinformation… Great Opportunity! A three-week online course on the harms of Marijuana begins soon. Sign up today! Please help spread the word, especially to those in the prevention and treatment fields!
~ From Dr. Joe Godfrey, Executive Director of Alabama Citizens Action Program (ALCAP) & American Character Builders:
Thank you for providing such great instruction! The resources you provided and the ideas you “spurred” in my mind that will help me with my work in the future were invaluable… Thanks for a very interesting class! I have gained new insight that I believe will help me going forward….. As my first-ever online class, you made it easy and fun!
~ From Susan J. Short, Executive Director Covington County Children’s Policy Council Coalition Lurleen B. Wallace Community College Child Development Center Andalusia, Alabama:
The resources you’ve shared with all of us are a real boost to my program. Thank you so much! Thanks for the additional tips and references on understanding the perspectives of many people that are pro-legalization. I think many times people just aren’t informed or perhaps they heard some information on television and assumed it was correct…
~ From Roger Morgan, Founder of the Take Back America Campaign:
Dr. Paula Gordon, an instructor for Auburn University’s Outreach, is offering an inexpensive online course on marijuana that I think is beneficial to everyone engaged in the battle to save our kids and nation from this insidious drug. Given the problems we have with marijuana in California, I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking to improve their knowledge.
Dr. Gordon, along with Dr. Don Terry-Veal and Maria Folmar were instrumental in designing and launching the Emergency Management Certificate Program. The Certificate Program began in the Fall of 2006 under the aegis of the Auburn University Center for Governmental Services. The Certificate Program moved from the Center for Governmental Services in the Winter of 2016 and now is now under the auspices of the Auburn University Outreach Office of Professional and Continuing Education. The Program is overseen by Ms. Shavon Williams, M.B.A., Assistant Director of Outreach Programs.
Individual emergency management-related courses may also be taken from the courses in the Emergency Management Certificate Program even if a person does not intend to take a total of four core courses and one elective course in the Emergency Management Certificate Program.
The Emergency Management Certificate Program and its courses have received many accolades from participants some of which are noted above in the testimonial sections above.
These courses incorporate an all-hazard approach to emergency management and homeland security. While the courses will be of particular interest to those already in practitioner or policy-making roles, they will also be of interest to those preparing for such roles.
Those developing and teaching homeland security and emergency management courses will also find the courses of value. Earning the Emergency Management Certificate has been a way for many to advance their present career path, whether they are already working in the fields of emergency management and homeland security or they are preparing for a career in these fields.
Participants in the courses have come from widely varying backgrounds. They have included Federal officials, fire chiefs and police officials of metropolitan as well as rural areas, emergency managers, emergency responders, retired and transitioning military, professors, and researchers in the fields of emergency management and homeland security, and other individuals in training and education roles and roles of public responsibility for emergency management, homeland security, emergency medical management, and public health and safety.
For more information regarding the Emergency Management Certificate Program please see http://www.auburn.edu/outreach/opce/emergencymgmt/index.htm or call (334) 844-5100.
(A 4-Week Online Course)
Course Description:
The course is designed to help those currently in roles of public responsibility develop an understanding of some of the unmet needs and challenges in homeland security and emergency management. This includes unmet needs and challenges that have been impacting the fields since September 11, 2001, and since Hurricane Katrina, along with other newer challenges, including the 2010 Gulf Oil Spill, Hurricane Sandy, and massive tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and active shooter incidents that have occurred in recent years. While the course will be of particular interest to those already in practitioner or policy-making roles, it will also be of interest to those preparing for such roles. Those developing and teaching homeland security and emergency management courses will also find the course of value.
Next Dates Offered:
November 6 – December 3, 2023
To Be Announced 2024
Registration Fee: $400.
A 10% discount is available for five or more registrants from the same organization when registered by one person from that organization.
For more information and to register, go to
and https://opce.catalog.auburn.edu/courses/c190128
or call: (334) 844-5100
(A 4-Week Online Course)
(An Elective Course in the Auburn University Outreach Emergency Management Certificate Program)
Course Description:
The course objective is to introduce learners to a wide array of issues and concerns involving the nation's critical infrastructure as that term can be broadly defined in the post-9/11 and post-Katrina world. The topics that will be addressed in this course include a broad range of critical infrastructure concerns. Course participants will be introduced to cutting-edge resources, information, and exemplary initiatives including those involving the following: the American Society for Civil Engineers, the DHS Centers of Excellence, the Institute for Sustainable Development, the Pacific Northwest Economic Recovery (PNWER) initiative, Philip Howard's Common Good Initiatives, and Steven Flynn's work on the topic of critical infrastructure.
Next Dates Offered in 2024 to Be Announced
Registration Fee: $400
A 10% discount is available for five or more registrants from the same organization when registered by one person from that organization.
For more information and to register, go to:
and https://opce.catalog.auburn.edu/courses/c190128
or call: (334) 844-5100
The following are also addressed in the course on Critical Infrastructure:
(A 4-Week Online Course)
(An Elective Course in the Auburn University Outreach Emergency Management Certificate Program and also listed above after the course on Marijuana.)
Course Description:
The role that exposure to and the use of marijuana are playing in the opioid epidemic will be highlighted along with the role that cartels and the black market are playing. See the Letter to Members of the United States Congress and All Other Public Officials.. for the research findings, studies, and investigative reporting that provides evidence concerning these connections. The Letter is accessible here.
The tendencies of public officials to narrowly define the problem and not see the role that marijuana and poly-drug use are having in the drug addiction and opioid crisis are highlighted in the course. A broader way of defining the challenges associated with drug-taking behavior and addiction will be featured, along with exemplary approaches to addressing the Drug Crisis.
Next Dates Offered in 2024 To Be Announced
Registration Fee: $400.
A 10% discount is available for five or more registrants from the same organization when registered by one person from that organization.
For more information and to register, go to
and https://opce.catalog.auburn.edu/courses/c190128
or call (334) 844-5100
A 4-Week Online Course
(This course is also an Elective Course in the Auburn University Outreach Emergency Management Certificate Program but may be taken as a stand-alone course. Dr. Gordon is also available to give presentations on this topic. )
Course Description:
The Covid-19 pandemic has emerged as a major area of concern nationally and globally. There are greatly differing views regarding all aspects of the Covid-19 pandemic. There are similarly widely differing approaches to understanding the disease process involving the prevention of the spread of the virus and the progression of the disease. There are great differences in the approaches that are being taken to prevention and treatment. There is also a failure on the part of many of those in roles of major public responsibility to recognize and comprehend the significance of the research findings as well as a failure to recognize or acknowledge the experience of many practitioners who have extraordinary success in addressing the challenges of the pandemic. There are differences of views among practitioners, researchers, epidemiologists, immunologists, virologists, and others, not to mention those with responsibility for policy decisions that impact the pandemic.
There are many reasons for these differences. They include differences in the backgrounds, academic and professional training, knowledge, skills, and experience of those involved in addressing the challenges surrounding the pandemic. The experienced practitioners, especially the successful practitioners may have developed perspectives and insights that are not as yet known and understood by those with less experience. In this course, efforts are made to shed light on these matters and the implications of these disparities for successfully addressing the challenges of the pandemic. There is also an attempt to evolve insights into how efforts to address the pandemic might be improved going forward.
The purpose of this course is to attempt to shed light on some of the many facets of the COVID-19 pandemic, a public health disaster that has been besieging the nation and the world.
Next Dates Offered:
November 6 - December 3, 2023
To Be Announced 2024
Registration Fee: $400
Participants will be eligible for 3 CEU credits.
For more information and to register, go to
or call (334) 844-5100.

From a Fire Department official in a coastal community in Florida nearly totally devastated by Hurricane Michael in 2018:
What I have learned in this course is that the field of emergency management is that there is much more to Emergency Management than operational and response training to large-scale emergency events and disasters. The breadth of the materials covered is both fascinating and informative. There is a mountain of information to review and cover in a short period of time, but the material is interesting and thought-provoking which keeps the student interested. The interaction among students is frequent and helps to clarify points that may be missed, misinterpreted, or misread during online learning forums as opposed to brick-and-mortar class discussions which have context and non-verbal communication cues.
That said, the level of passion and knowledge on the subject exhibited by Dr. Gordon is the most significant thing that I learned in this course. When there is an instructor that is passionate, knowledgeable, and dedicated to the myriad issues (..e-technology, Pre/Post-9/11 mentalities, etc.) as Dr. Gordon it motivates the student to examine the issues more deeply and thoroughly. Her dedication is obvious in her research, writings, and interactive responses with the students on the discussion boards and that is the mark of a great course.
From a person transitioning to a career in emergency management:
Prior to taking this certificate course, after I made the initial decision to pursue EM as a potential second career, I enrolled in a master’s program in EM with a different university. The lead professor was very focused on research – with the expectation that we would be learning/honing those skills throughout the program for application in the EM field. There is a place for that, but I was looking to learn about the EM field as a potential practitioner. More searching – and I found the Auburn certificate program. My earlier experience provided an excellent contrast to what I found here. This course provided an excellent look at the spectrum of EM, as well as the many and varied needs that remain unmet since 9/11 and Katrina. “Unmet Needs” casts a wide net; there are so many things to understand, investigate, and hopefully contribute to fixing, which will require an understanding of why the needs remain unmet – lack of funding, lack of political will, lack of public support or attention – one or all could apply in any given instance. And while I certainly value research, and will no doubt make use of whatever is available, this course whetted my appetite – there are many issues/problems that need to be solved that will require active engagement with the community as well as various levels of government. Exactly what I was hoping for.
From a Federal official with responsibilities for emergency management and emergency planning:
I think this is a great course….
I would recommend it to anyone involved in the emergency management field or involved with emergency planning.
I would definitely want my staff to take this course….
From an official of a large university with responsibilities for campus-wide Public Safety Information & Education:
This course has really helped me realize the impact on planning and preparedness of the differences between catastrophic and non-catastrophic events and has helped me feel more equipped to address the planning challenges related to catastrophic events. In the past, I have focused mainly on technical and operational issues, but I can now see the importance of the broader perspective… It has also really emphasized to me the importance of understanding complex problems and the value of generalists, who can lead multi-disciplinary teams of experts in finding solutions to these complex problems that we face in emergency management today.
From a Retired Military Officer currently pursuing a Master’s Degree in Emergency Management:
This course has shown me that there is so much information available if you simply look or ask for it. One of the main things I took away from this course is that flexibility is absolutely essential. There are so many variables that it is impossible to plan for every single situation. Even disasters that are classified the same, such as earthquakes, are very different as pointed out by Timothy Manning from a geologist's perspective. I think if you understand that there is no “one size fits all” accompanied with a solid foundation of knowledge, flexibility will provide the necessary ingredient to be successful. Secondly, mitigation and preparedness are extremely critical when it comes to disasters/threats. Proper preparedness and mitigation start with each individual, and if everybody does their part, the end result will be very different from those communities that lack mitigation practices and a preparedness plan.
Courses are all taught on a Pass/Not Pass basis and all may earn 3 CEUs each.